Fjorsvartnir (Wax Wishes)

This is a new segment where I would like to document great albums only available via download or CD.

The first of these will be focused on Fjorsvartnir, a one man project helmed by Denmark native Fjorgynn. Founded in 2007, Fjorsvartnir currently have 2 full length albums and one demo under their belt. They are one of the most authentic heavy bands I’ve heard in well over a decade. Today I’ll be focusing on his two full length albums: Legions of the North and Mzoraxc’ Forbandelse. I’m skipping the demos but they are also no slouches. I’ve decided to focus mainly on his main bodies of work.

Each album image is taken directly from the official Fjorsvartnir website and has a direct link underneath. He is easily found on YouTube and I highly recommend supporting him by purchasing his music either digitally or on CD. I own the downloaded versions of his albums and a vinyl pressing of Legions Of The North that hasn’t been legally distributed. I’m hoping that this new “Wax Wishes” segment will garner enough deserved attention on some of these artists in hopes for them to build enough fans to produce more vinyl records. I don’t buy CDs because plastic is lame but mostly due to not having a proper disc player set up in my house. Vinyl is my vice but I realize that I’d be limiting myself by not discussing some of the more interesting albums I’ve heard digitally. So, without further ado we have:

Legions Of The North (2012)

legions of the north

This album starts with an atmospheric instrumental primarily led by haunting keys that eventually turn into a wonderfully melodic guitar groove. What follows is a behemoth of title track unsurpassed by anything I’ve heard in heavy music in decades. A relentless barrage of harmonized guitars and blasting drums give way to a beautifully performed bridge so beautifully performed that it would have been a sinful waste not to mention here. A dissonant lead guitar swells and accompanies the section so well that it makes the following section feel like you are being hit by a Mad Max truck of villains complete with flaming axes. The drums are expertly performed and are played on a real kit as opposed to a computer program. Every single element in this song is brilliant. It is long but remains captivating as new ideas and riffs are introduced seemingly at every moment. The return of the vocals after minutes of instrumental perfection hit so viscerally that it almost paralyzes.

The album has only begun and without drivelling on about each song I’ll say that it stays on course without dipping in quality after the majestic title track. There are sections in each song that truly amaze. Usually these occur during instrumental breaks and other experimental sections but each of these differ so much in style that it is always a surprise. Every song remains engaging regardless of their lengths. The breakdowns in Levende Begravet and True Elite are prime examples of how impressive these compositions are and how limitless Fjorsvartnir are in experimenting with sounds. All of the instruments are played well and the production is warm, airy and nearly professional sounding. Again, I could ramble all day but every single component works perfectly including the passionately delivered vocals. His voice ranges from guttural barks to spine shattered screams so seamlessly and fluidly. They cut through the music like a Viking’s spear through an enemy’s throat. This is great stuff that deserves much more attention than it receives. A must have for any fans of extreme heaviness.

Track List:

Legions Of The North
Levende Begravet
Nat Og Dag
True Elite
Den Sidste Rejse

Mzoraxc’ Forbandelse (2015)

mzoraxc forbandelse

Three years after the release of Legions Of The North we were given the much anticipated followup, Mzoraxc’ Forbandelse. Like its predecessor it begins with an ethereal, slow and gripping introduction but this time around it opens up into a full song. It starts so melodically that one could wonder if the gritty teeth present on the prior album had been left behind to gain wider appeal but, no. This opening track starts to build teasingly until it becomes a menacing behemoth. My favourite aspect to this song, in particular is how the vocals almost shyly deliver the opening lines. Things build, the acoustic guitars begin to wane and the vocals begin to get darker. In the end we are left with a lingering scream before the merciless bludgeoning of Nordens Genopstandelse.

I could create an entire blog post relating to Nordens Genopstandelse so how about you just stop reading now and check it out for yourself. The song is pure, unadulterated head-banging perfection. Boom!

Fjorsvartnir’s more melodic side comes to the surface with the latter half of this record. After the instrumental break of Riget, there is a miniature conceptual arc that feels like one longer song broken up into segments. I think this all works very well and the piano melody that bridges it together is a great addition. One thing consistent on both of these albums is how great the sequencing is. Each song flows from one to the next with expert finesse. It flows like a well edited film or a well crafted story.

Mzoraxc’ Forbandelse is another top tier album that I can’t recommend enough. The production is clearer and finer tuned than his previous entries, for better or for worse. Part of me prefers the gritty, unbalanced segments of his earlier material but credit should be given for the fine level of production crafted here. Overall, it is another masterpiece of heavy music that is the epitome of “underrated.”
Hopefully if we all spread the word and support this Denmark native he will continue to create amazing music and be able to put more records into production. I look forward to the next Fjorsvartnir. 2012 and 2015 were made better years in music because of these excellent albums.

Track List:

Ravneskrig og Ulvehyl
Nordens Genopstandelse
En Rejse Igennem Fortidens Riger
Mzoraxc – Mødet Med Underverdenen
Det Sidste Slag




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